Friday, October 31, 2008

Sunset in Santa Barbara

Sometimes you just keep shooting and shooting pictures of a few moments in time and one picture is not enough to express the moment... this was one of those times.... I hope  you enjoy it.
These pictures were taken on a Leica D-Lux Camera


Fifi Flowers said...

Great photos and I love the painting of these... BEAUTIFUL!

Leciawp said...

These are beautiful and relaxing - just what I needed to see as I'm pacing around watching election coverage.

TIG said...

These shots are stunning!

Just wanted to stop in and say yes -- please so paint one of the tulle dresses! Looking forward to seeing the finished work.

Joy Logan said...

ahhhhhh these photos make me want to be there at sunset. You have a great blog. Can I add your link on my blog?

Yesha said...

captivating. i love sunset. ^^

Diane said...

To Autumn.... if you want to use the picture for your poetry go ahead... I would love that.

Yesha said...

wow. that's so nice of you. thank you so much.

i'll sure do. just thinking of another poem about sunset. =]

i'll follow your blog. thanks again. ^^

La Belette Rouge said...

I want to grad school in SB. It is so lovely to come here and see such wonderful reminder of cherished memories.

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

I know that feeling, like you just can't quite capture a moment with your camera. But Wow! These are great shots. I love the light you captured, and the beautiful trees you framed the photos with.