Thursday, October 30, 2008

At the Door

Another moment in time captured by a dress... 
is she coming into the light and leaving a dreary past.... 
or is she just now seeing the light and running towards a brighter future?  
Has she found love?  Love of herself or love of another human being ? 
Whatever it is the dress is playing center stage again...  
 To all the people who view my blog I am thinking of combining this blog with Inspiration by Design  my other blog.  It is very difficult to keep 3 blogs going and still create artwork, which is what I love the most.  So combining them may be the best answer since Inspiration by Design is all the things that inspire me - including other wonderful artists. My goal with Inspiration by Design is to spotlight those who deserve exposure, talented people who are creating wonderful works of art in art, photography, products, books, cars, movies... whatever their creative outlet is ... and in turn they inspire all of us... so start visiting Inspiration by Design and if you are creative let me know and I will try to feature your work...Cheers, Diane

1 comment:

Karena said...

Diane I would love to be a featured artist on your other site!!